The archive’s renaissance: Navigating the future, channelling the past
ARRI-WS 2018
The ARRI-Archive-Workshop2018 was once again the maybe most important come together 2018 of film-high-tech and archive-professionals.
At our booth we met so many old and new friends and got enormous important suggestions there.
ARRI’s workshop is indispensable for exchange of information and technological progress in film archives.
FiafCongress2018 – April, 22-27th, Prague
We can’t wait for the next Fiaf-Conference in Prague in April this year:
That city connects culture, history and film like no other place in the world.
We are proud to join the international delegates of archives all over the world and offer them our help and tools in their fight for our cultural legacy.
For more information:
see us in 2018
Thank You Big Easy! Thank You AMIA!
For being such a great host for us!
We were guest at this year’s conference of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) in New Orleans. What a great city, what a great event! KEM is proud to have been allowed to support it.
We had so many warm contacts with incredibly capable and kind attendees, and we found such a huge interest and awesome resonance for our latest innovations KEMroll, KEMwind and KEMscreen there.
With the boundless assistance of our American distributors Christy’s and Atomic Film we were able to show a complete restauration workflow of both, previous and after scanning, starting from splicers and ending at Avid with our gear closing the gap of progress in between.
Welcome to everybody who is interested in the continuance of our cultural heritage on film.
After 5 years of research we are starting a new campain to help the archivists of the world right now, only a view days to AMIA conference 2017.